
Sunday, September 6, 2020

my chilli task


 this is what my school does it is called a chill task  have you ever done the chill task  like this...

Thursday, September 3, 2020

How to make a pizza


How to make a pizza 

  1. heat oven to 175

  2. pizza base 

  3. Pizza source

  4. add Favorited toppings

  5. Put it in  oven for 15 to 20 minutes

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The creeping man


The creeping man

Chapter one

3 August 2020

One night I was asleep. I had a nightmare about a man. and He had a full black outfit with a mask and a knife in his pocket,and he beat someone up but no one saw it  except for me. I woke straight up and looked out of my window.  I saw the person from my nightmare. I didn't want to go downstairs. I was so scared, so I went back to my bed and went to sleep. 

On the next day I was walking to school trying to forget about the nightmare. Finally I was at school. When it was lunch I told my friends about  my nightmare. One of my friends said, “Look, is that the man you were talking about?” I said, “Yes.” in a scared voice. I said to him, “GO AWAY!!!” and he pulled out the knife. We ran!!! 

After school I went into a forest that led to my house. I heard a noise behind me and I saw the man. I ran as fast as I could. I called my friend to help me but he didn't answer.  He chased me and said, “You’d better run!”. So I ran. 

A random house

chapter 2

4 August 2020

I got to a random house and said hello but no one was in the house.I ran upstairs and jumped out the window and he stopped following was the next day it was the weekend and i found him i said wait don’t do anything bad to me i am not trying to hurt you and he waited how did you get in my dream. “It was not a dream, it was real life and I didn't want you to know what happened so I knocked you out”. In a quiet Whisper

 6 August 2020 

What is your name he whispered”my nickname is the killer and my real name is sway”ok can we be friends he said”no “and he ran into a grave so i went home and went to have dinner and went to bed. and it was the next day and it was saturday so i went to the grave that he was at yesterday and as i thought he was there.  so i ran up to him and said don't run so he did not run and we became friends.