
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Writing Journal 2021 Caelyn Polley

 Date:tue,aug24 2021

Purpose:to perswade

Audience:my dad


Firstly kapa haka provides an avenue for Māori students to access the Māori world and be culturally-connected learners. 

Secdly Modern kapa haka traces back to pre-European times where it developed from traditional forms of Māori performing art; haka, mau rākau (weaponry), poi (ball attached to rope or string) and mōteatea (traditional Māori songs). 

Thurdily kapa haka  provides them with a platform for expression, giving them the opportunity to experience success, gain confidence through performance, and step up as leaders and role models.


Image result for who created kapa haka

In tradition, the first kapa haka was associated with the chief Tinirau. He told a group of women to perform for his enemy, Kae.

Writing Journal 2021 Caelyn Polley

Caelyn Culture Significance T3 LCS 2021 Distance learning August


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

what is better sports or music

 I think sports is better because you can get really fit and for music you only sit on a challenge sports you run and some times you have a challenge in music you have a Challenge but not has good.In sports you have to run really fast and in music you only have to use your fingers or your sports you can lern new things also in sports you can lern team work so if you have a big game you know what to music you only can lern the drums and stuff like that in sports for rugby you have to lern how to kick how to throw and how to tackle and how to not get sore on getting tackled so that is why i think sports is better